Saturday, January 14, 2023

glock bullets

Glock Bullets - The 33-round clip, which is more than eight inches long, is twice as long as the standard 15-round magazine available for the 9mm Glock 19 handgun. [The Times Files]

If one student came to school with a gun and 10 magazines of 30 rounds each, and another with a gun and 30 magazines of 10 rounds each, who would do more damage?

Glock Bullets

Glock Bullets

There are no good answers to that equation. But as the debate over gun control heats up in the wake of recent deadly school shootings, gun experts interviewed by the Tampa Bay Times say limiting the number of bullets in gun magazines would be more effective than a general gun ban. To reduce bleeding.

From The Hip

"One can carry a lot of low-quality magazines," said retired Green Beret Sergeant Scott Neal. Petersburg, "It's the time between changing magazines that gives victims and law enforcement more time to respond and improve."

Reducing magazine capacity reduces an untrained shooter's ability to hit multiple targets, says Dunedin-certified rifle and conservation researcher Steve Purle, a former Scotland Yard counter-terrorism officer and current instructor. Grand ISS St. Petersburg.

Like other firearms experts, Neal, who fought in Afghanistan and Iraq, spoke of a ban on specific weapons like the AR-15 semi-automatic rifle — a growing clamor after the February high school shooting. 14 Parkland - Seems ineffective.

Because even tougher gun control legislation proposed by Democratic lawmakers bans a long list of assault rifles and automatic weapons, many deadly methods remain legal.

These 5 Glocks Can Defend Any Home Or Business

Neal, Purl and Tampa Gun Mark Serbu have all demonstrated that a weapon like the Glock handgun — the nation's best-seller — can deliver more bullets faster. And in some situations, especially in close quarters, a handgun can be more dangerous than a rifle because it's easier to draw or carry.

The law calls for limiting semi-automatic rifles and pistols to seven rounds and pistols with fixed magazines to 10 rounds.

While this move will reduce harm, any new restrictions on firearms or firearms are on existing soldiers.

Glock Bullets

Owners of firearms and magazines will be grandfathered in as long as Democratic laws ensure they are seized before October 1st. 2018.

Restricting Bullets Rather Than Guns Might Cut Toll Of School Shootings, Some Experts Say

And despite the arguments on the other side, a radiologist who treated the victims of the Parkland massacre says there must be another factor in the equation.

"AR-15 ammunition is different," Heather Scheer wrote in The Atlantic Online. "They travel at high speeds and are very dangerous. ... A typical AR-15 bullet leaves the barrel about three times faster, and delivers three times more energy, than a standard 9mm bullet from a handgun."

In general, you are more likely to be killed with a handgun than a rifle, according to the FBI.

In the year Of the nearly 12,000 homicides in 2014, the most recent statistics available, more than 5,500 people were killed by firearms and 248 by firearms. Another 2,000 deaths were caused by unexplained gun violence.

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Even knives or other cutting tools have proven to be more dangerous than guns, killing 1,600 people according to statistics.

But when Nikolas Cruz targeted students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, killing 17 people and injuring more than a dozen others, his weapon of choice was an assault rifle. An AR-15, authorities said.

And guns like these, designed for war, have no place in society, said Patty Brigham, co-chair of the Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence.

Glock Bullets

Only restrictions on firearms like the AR-15, along with limits on magazine capacity, will help prevent another mass school shooting, Brigham said.

Hellcat: 20k Rounds & Counting!

He said the coalition supported the Democratic bill, which was denied a hearing in the Republican-controlled legislature.

Rep. Carlos Smith, Democrat of Orlando, said the bill he introduced outlining those provisions would at least serve as a starting point for discussion.

"This is what Floridians, students, teachers, families of Parland, Pulse and survivors across the state have been asking for — a ban on military-style weapons," Smith said.

"I'm open to suggestions and changes so we can get something passed and keep our communities safe from gun violence." MHS GLOCK TO MARKET: Glock MHS and BARRIER BLIND 9mm Ammunition Reviewed by European Security and Defense Magazine.

Glock Magazine Capacity: How Many Bullets Every Glock Holds [2022]

Posted in Best Gear, Daily News, Defense, Guns & Gear, News, Other Gear & Gadgets, Guns by Nathaniel F with 110 comments

Tags: .40, .40 S&W, 9mm, handgun, armor piercing, "eclipse blind", improved, g19, g23, glock, handgun, MHS, modular handgun system, penetration, performance, handgun, SIG, work

Security magazine Europe Security & Defense published an article detailing the first production of the Glock Modular Handgun System and federally engineered pistols. The article - part technical overview, part discussion, recent history of the Glock MHS product, technical characteristics of the Glock 19 MHS and 23 MHS pistols, and the current opinion of Glock executives regarding their second place in the competition. I strongly encourage our readers to go to the ES&D website to read the entire article in text-only or PDF format for free. However, because I don't want to hide the lead any more than I already have, Glock's head of global sales, Richard Fleur, had this to say about the future of the Glock MHS beyond the US military:

Glock Bullets

ESD: Will there be a commercial market version of the Glock Modular Handgun System? Flu: That's right. We think this is a great gun and want to give anyone interested a chance to try it out and buy it. All costs related to the development of the gun are covered by Glock, so the gun can be sold separately. Of course, we can make good use of the experience we have gained in completing this project. Some features will definitely appear in future Glock products.

Gun Review: Going 2,200 Rounds With The New Glock G44 In 22lr ::

The Federal Improved Barrier Round is also impressive - to say the least. Vista Out/Federal appears to be building on its expertise in manufacturing M855A1 rifles in Lake City. The new 9mm EBR round uses the same type of construction, with a solid steel base and a copper jacket - specifically, the US military - extensions or parts. While this round may have some recent American handgun development ancestry, it's hard to miss the similarities to the high-performance Russian 9x19mm pistol ammo that shares the same construction.

Nathaniel is a historian and gun hobbyist whose main interest has been in the development of small arms technology since the days of smokeless powder. At [email protected] Glock's G44: Iconic Brand and Rimfire Is ammo shortages putting a damper on your days with your beloved G19? it's okay. The iconic rifle now has a doppelgänger in .22 LR.

Last year, the gun community was proud to announce a new addition to the Glock line that the company had never offered before: the .22 Long Rifle. The new Glock 44 borrows the exterior features of the company's most popular model and the most popular pistol in the world, the Glock 19, making it a great training tool for everyone, from lifelong Glock enthusiasts to novice shooters looking to buy a reliable handgun. , a semi-automatic rimfire pistol.

Creating a reliable .22 LR center-fire semi-automatic pistol is no easy task. One, the recoil force of the .22 LR cartridge is insufficient to move a full size slide. The .22 LR cartridge also has a reputation for efficiency. The .22 rimfire's thin and fragile cartridge case and lead bullet are easily damaged during semi-automatic firing, which can lead to feeding problems. The primers used in rimfire cartridges cause more fouling than center-fire cartridges, which quickly wear down and freeze the semi-automatic mechanism. A well-designed semi-automatic .22 rimfire pistol should pass these tests.

Glock 45 In 9 Mm Luger, Test Firing The Crossover Pistol Between Glock 17 And Glock 19

Glock has taken several innovative approaches with the G44. The all-metal slide used in the centerpiece pistol was replaced with a hybrid steel and polymer design that reliably chambered in .22 LR (the result is a G44 that weighs 14.8 ozs. The Glock 19 weighs in) and the barrel chamber was dialed in. Emptying the cartridge case and facilitating reliable cycling of the action. Most manufacturers of semi-automatic .22 pistols recommend specific pistols for best use, but Glock's goal was to create a pistol that would shoot everything - knowing "rimfire perfection". The G44 manual does not recommend any specific .22 LR weight for reliability, so we decided to put "Perfection" to the test.

Discussions were held about the Internet.

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